Of all the worthy traits and qualities to possess, loyalty has to be one of the most coveted. Be loyal in love, loyal in friendship, and loyal to yourself and your beliefs, and you will certainly be viewed and valued as a good person, one worth sticking by. These loyalty quotes are all about support, allegiances, and devotion.
Love and Loyalty Quotes

Being in a respectful, loyal relationship is something many people strive for. These quotes are all about honoring your partner with an unbreakable bond of loyalty. Nothing can turn you against the person you would ride or die for.
- Stay loyal to one another, and you shall stay together forever.
- You know I have given you my everything if you have my loyalty.
- A loyal partner is worth more than all the diamonds in the world.
- Together, we shall stand forever because the foundation is built with trust, devotion, and loyalty.
- I'll be loyal to you for all the days of my life because I know no other way.
- Love grows as a garden if you choose to water it with devotion, honor, and loyalty.
- True loyalty is the rarest of traits. Should you be fortunate enough to experience it, cherish it, nurture it and return it.
- Two imperfect people who remain loyal to each other are perfect in the eyes of the heart.
- Respect and loyalty are not bonus qualities in a partner. They are prerequisites.
- If you desire loyalty from your partner, choose to display that characteristic yourself.
Famous Quotes on Staying Loyal to Those You Love

These well-known quotes on loyalty help illustrate why being loyal and seeking loyalty is so beneficial to the human experience.
- "If put to the pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound of cleverness." - Elbert Hubbard
- "Loyalty and friendship, which is to me the same, created all the wealth that I've ever thought I'd have." - Ernie Banks
- "The whole point of loyalty was not to change: stick with those who stuck with you." - Larry McMurtry
- "Be loyal and trustworthy. Do not befriend anyone who is lower than yourself in this regard. " - Confucius
- "Where there is loyalty, weapons have no use." - Paulo Coelho
- "You cannot buy loyalty; you cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds, and souls. You have to earn these things." - Clarence Francis
- "Loyalty is a characteristic trait. Those who have it, give it free of charge." - Ellen J. Barrier
- "Loyalty is a decision, a resolution of the soul." - Pascal Mercier
- "Confidentiality is a virtue of the loyal, as loyalty is the virtue of faithfulness." - Edwin Louis Cole
- "You can't be loyal to others if you're not loyal to your own nature first." - Tor Seidler
Quotes About Loyalty for Kids Learning About the Trait

Teach children about loyalty and why it is a critical character trait with a few relatable quotes on the subject.
- In life, you get what you give. Be loyal to those you love, and they will show you loyalty in return.
- Loyalty is earned over time, and the payout is worth it in the end.
- Be loyal to others, but first, be loyal to yourself. Honor your values, beliefs, and dreams.
- Be loyal to your goals and dreams. They can't be achieved without you backing them up.
- Loyalty is one of those hard life lessons that you will be so grateful you picked up along the path of life.
- Be a loyal friend to others, because you never know when your support means everything to someone else.
- Being loyal to a person's back is more important than showing loyalty to their face.
- A life lived among the loyal is a blessed life indeed.
- If you have people you trust in your life, you are a lucky person indeed.
- Be a kind and loyal friend, and expect the same from others.
Quotes Proving Loyal Friends Make the Best Friends

Loyal friends are often hard to come by, and when one lands in your lap, you better honor their friendship and devotion to you. These quotes are evidence that when you have a loyal pal in your corner, anything in life seems possible.
- In a friend, look for loyalty, and you'll never regret letting that person into your heart.
- If you are going to ask anything of a friend, ask for loyalty.
- Look at the people who supported you when the chips were down. Those are the true and loyal friends you should pour your energy into.
- Surround yourself with friends who have your back in good times and in bad.
- There is nothing more precious than a loyal friend.
- If you find yourself questioning a person's loyalty, then they are not your true friend.
- Give me one loyal friend over 1,000 fairweather friends.
- You can give a friend no greater gift than your loyalty.
- If you have a true and loyal friend, then you have all you really need.
- Family is bonded by blood. Real friends are bonded by loyalty.
Short and Powerful Loyalty Quotes

Be loyal, be true, and stand by the right people. The message of loyalty is as short and simple as these quotes.
- Loyalty: One thing a person can't compromise on.
- Loyal people are rare; hold them close.
- You can stay loyal, or you can stay away. There is no gray area for loyalty.
- Staying loyal means going all in, all of the time.
- You can give up on plenty, but never give up on loyal people.
- Be loyal, build trust, welcome in love, live happily.
- Loyalty is always proven, not just stated.
- Be loyal to the person in the mirror and to everyone who loves that person.
- In life, loyalty is everything.
- Loyalty lights the path of friendship.
Cute and Funny Loyalty Quotes

Even subjects as serious as honor and loyalty can take on a humorous twist. These cute quotes on loyalty will remind you why it is such an important virtue, while bringing a smile to your face.
- True loyalty is never watching the new episode of your favorite show without your best friend.
- Live your life trying to be as loyal to loved ones as your dog is to you.
- Loyalty never goes out of style, so wear it always.
- If you find yourself asking the question: "What can I do to be a good partner?" The answer is: Give endless amounts of loyalty and tacos.
- I pride myself on my loyalty. I'll never leave a friend in need, nor will I leave the couch until I've completed a Netflix series I have started. See, I am loyal through and through.
Live Your Life With Loyalty
How you choose to live your life is entirely up to you. Aim for displaying qualities and traits like integrity, honesty, kindness, and loyalty. Be loyal in your words and actions, and remember that while being loyal to the wrong people can affect you negatively, choosing to remain loyal to the right people will bring so much peace, comfort, and joy to your world.