Is it really April Fool's Day if you don't prank someone? And since you have to go to school anyway, it might as well be your teacher. We love pranks that make everyone laugh — we never want anyone to feel bad about a prank after we do it. So our fun April Fool's pranks for students to play on their teachers can help you have some harmless fun without getting in trouble.
Let Them Eat Cake
Take a peek in the faculty lounge, and you'll probably see a ton of food and snacks. Teachers like snacking as much as you do, so making the teachers a "tasty snack" is a great way to play a prank. You'll probably need a faculty member to help you pull off this prank since going into the teachers' lounge without permission could get you in trouble. But you can pull this one off without any trouble with the right accomplice.
- The night before April Fool's Day, take an empty cereal box and glue the lid back down so you have a perfect rectangle (or you can use a bunch of sponges stacked together to look like a sheet cake).
- Place the box on a flat piece of foil-covered cardboard.
- Using store-bought frosting, spread a thick coating of icing on the box. Ensure you cover every inch of the box so it looks like a sheet cake, not a cereal box. You can add a little extra icing to the corners to further camouflage the shape of the box.
- Have your accomplice place the "cake" in the teacher's lounge and report back to you about the reactions as the teachers try to cut into the cake. FYI, this would also make a fun April Fool's Day prank for your parents.
A Totally Sick Prank
Ah, the old fake vomit gag. It's a totally sick joke if you know what we're saying. So grab some fake puke from Amazon and stick it on the teacher's desk or chair. Bonus points if you can do it after lunch. Sure, it's a little gross, but once your teacher realizes it's fake, everyone can have a good laugh.
Loose Thread
I'm a sucker for a loose thread. When I see one, I always want to pull it. If your teacher is like me, they could fall for this gag, too.
- Buy a small, travel-size spool of thread that matches the color of your shirt.
- Place the spool deep into the pocket with a piece hanging out of the top of your pocket. The piece should be at least two inches long, so your teacher will notice it.
When the teacher tries to pull the thread for you, they'll have to keep pulling and pulling from the stash in your pocket.
The Prank That Never Was
Sometimes, the best prank is not to play a prank. For several weeks leading up to April Fool's Day, tell your teacher that you're planning the most epic prank anyone has ever pulled on a teacher. Remind them every chance you get.
On April 1st, they'll be waiting in anticipation.
Do nothing.
When they realize you didn't do a prank, they'll probably laugh and perhaps even give a small sigh of relief.
A Not-So Squeaky Clean Chalkboard

If you're lucky enough to go to a school that still uses chalkboards, place a piece of chalk between the sections of an eraser. When the teacher starts to erase the board, the chalk will make it dirty again. Does your school use a whiteboard instead? No worries. Simply remove the tips from a package of dry-erase markers so the markers are empty. Replace the regular markers with your empty ones.
If you're in a classroom that still has chalkboards, you can also put a small piece of clear tape on both ends of every piece of chalk. When your teacher goes to write, the tape will make it so the chalk won't go on the board.
School for Sale
Prank all the faculty and students with one single move, making you a legendary prankster. Buy a large "for sale by owner" yard sign and put it in front of the school. Put a ridiculous price on it, like "$2". In very small letters on the bottom, write "April Fool!" You don't really want someone to buy your school for $2 do you? Okay, maybe you do, but the little letters will get you in less trouble.
Stop Bugging Me!
Have you ever noticed how realistic plastic bugs and spiders look? Especially when you're only half paying attention, they can look VERY real, we promise. So, all you'll need is a fake bug or two. Place them strategically on or near your teacher's desk. Perhaps in the top drawer? On their chair? We know you can come up with the perfect place.
Wrong Class
This one will take some planning, and your class will need to conspire with another class. When the bell rings to start school, have everyone go into the wrong class and take their seats as if it is their class. Then, sit quietly and wait for the teacher to notice.
Weren't You Wearing Something Else?
At the start of the school day, stash a couple of changes of clothes in a bathroom near your class. Once the class starts, ask the teacher to allow you to go to the bathroom. This trick works best with a teacher who is lenient with bathroom passes. Once the teacher says you can go, rush to the bathroom and change into a new outfit. Make it as different as possible from the first outfit. For example, change from wearing all red to double denim. Return to the classroom. If the teacher notices, tell them, "April Fool!" If they don't notice, ask to go to the bathroom again a bit later and change into another outfit.
While these pranks are harmless and fun, some schools may find them inappropriate, and you could still get in trouble. If anyone seems hurt or upset by your prank, come clean immediately and apologize. It may also help to check in with someone on the faculty to make sure your prank won't get anyone in trouble.
Ransomed Knick Knacks
Take something unimportant from the teacher's desk, such as a paperweight, and leave a ransom note. Hide the item in a different location in the classroom. You don't want your teacher to think you actually stole it. The ransom should be for something fun, such as no more tests or no homework on Fridays. Whether the teacher responds to the ransom or not, be sure to return the item at the end of the class or tell them where you relocated it.
Classroom Shuffle
Wait for a teacher to step out of the room to talk to another student or take care of other business. Every student should turn their desks and chairs to face the back of the classroom instead of the front. When the teacher walks back in, everyone should continue to work as though nothing has happened. Wait for the teacher to ask what is going on and then say, "April Fool!" as a class.
You could also play a trick with your whole class throughout the day. Whenever the teacher is distracted, have two people change desks. Continue this throughout the day until the teacher notices.
The Silent Treatment
This is a prank that the whole class can play on your teacher, so it will take a little planning ahead of time. When the bell rings, walk into your class like you always do. But instead of everyone talking and laughing aloud like normal as you take your seats, move your lips and gesture like you're talking, but don't actually say anything. You can continue to do this until your teacher asks you what's going on.
How to Prank Your Teachers
Pranks are fun and make school more entertaining, but you should always be careful not to pull pranks that will get you in trouble with your school or the law. No matter how funny you think it could be, don't do anything illegal, destructive, or dangerous. And most importantly, do it in the spirit of good fun and not with the intent to humiliate or embarrass someone. Make sure you do it to a teacher who has a good sense of humor, and always end the prank as soon as the teacher figures out what's going on. Whether you do it by yourself or enlist your entire class, your April Fool's Day prank could turn out to be epic.