Between the baby's dirty diapers and the teen's dirty looks, the mom struggle is real. Lift your spirits with a few inspiring sayings about how every mom needs a break. Quotes are a great way to help you feel like you aren't alone in this whole mothering thing, and let's face it - that can go a long way.
Tired Mom Quotes to Make You Smile

No matter how exhausted you are, take a minute to smile at these sayings that sum up what it's like to be in the trenches of motherhood, or share them with a mom friend who can identify:
- You can be a great mom and still really need a good night of sleep and a dinner that doesn't require you to cut up anyone else's food.
- Being a mom is the hardest and most wonderful job, but every job has breaks. Yours should too.
- You know you've been a mom for a while when you set your alarm for five minutes before the kids wake up - just so you can have a few quiet sips of coffee.
- Every day, if you can do one thing that won't be immediately undone, you'll be ahead the next day. Messes get remade immediately, but if you make something for yourself or spend time doing something that makes you happy, you're making yourself a better mom.
- It takes a break, even just a few minutes, to regain your strength.
Self-Care Quotes for Mentally Exhausted Moms

It's not only okay for moms to need a break; it's normal. These self-care quotes will inspire you:
- Sometimes, you have to put your own needs first in order to take care of everyone else.
- You can't go anywhere when your tank is empty. Find your fuel and take the time to fill up.
- The number one item on your to-do list today is taking care of yourself.
- Never forget: moms need care too.
- Amid all the other needs, you are a priority. Nothing else works if you don't take a break.
Quotes for the Mom Who Never Gets a Break

No one needs a little free time more than the mom who never gets a break. Quotes can help explain how important a little time off can be:
- No one can do their best work without a few minutes of rest, and that includes moms.
- Just take a minute to breathe, Mama. You've got this.
- To the mom who's beyond exhausted and taking care of everyone else, I see you. You matter more than you can know.
- Every mom deserves a real break, not just time at the grocery store or alone in the bathroom. You deserve you time.
- It's okay to put yourself in time out too.
Hilarious Mom Needs a Break Quotes

Being a mom is serious business, but that doesn't mean you can't laugh a little at how much you need some time off:
- All a mom has to say is "I'll be in the bathroom," and everyone suddenly needs her.
- Time for mom to take a break, so don't bother her unless you are about to spontaneously combust.
- It's in the best interest of everyone's survival if Mama takes a break right now.
- Need to capture your kids' attention? Pour a cup of coffee and pick up a book. They'll be on you in 30 seconds.
- Even superheroes need a few minutes for a wardrobe change.
Famous Quotes About Taking a Break as a Mom

Even famous moms need a little time away from the kids:
- "When I'm tired, I rest. I say, 'I can't be a superwoman today.'" - Jada Pinkett Smith
- "Why don't kids understand that their nap is not for them but for us?" - Alyson Hannigan
- "Almost everything will work again if you uplug it for a few minutes, including you." - Ann Lamont
- "The job description of mother is clearly in need of revision. As it stands, the shifts are 24 hours, for a period of approximately 1,825 consecutive days. The benefits are sorely in need of amendment: no vacations, no sick leave, no lunch hours, no breaks. Moreover, it is the only unpaid position I know of that can result in arrest if you fail to show up for work." - Mary Kay Blakely
- "Meditation is my thing. But I'm not going to lie: sometimes I go into my closet and lock the door so no one can find me." - Gwen Stefani
You Deserve a Few Minutes to Yourself
Whether you're a working mom, a stay-at-home mom, or something in between, taking a few minutes for yourself is so important. Reminding yourself (and other moms) helps too.