A few funny volunteer quotes can inspire and encourage you. If you're proud to be a volunteer, you might find a list of original, uplifting quotes to express your sentiments.
Funny Volunteer Quotes
Funny volunteer quotes can be subtle while others are a play on words. You may find funny volunteer quotes that remind you of fellow volunteers.
- The volunteers suspected that before the volunteer organizer, Mrs Henderson, had retired, she'd enjoyed a career as a drill sergeant!
- I never thought being a volunteer was rewarding, I was just trying to get an easy college credit.
- I had no idea being a volunteer meant I wouldn't care if my back aches.
- In a zombie apocalypse, volunteers will be needed more than ever!
- Timing is everything for a volunteer.
- "There is no time like the present," says every volunteer.
- The best things in life are free, like volunteers.
- Smart cookies don't crumble, they become volunteers.
- She's a peach because she's a volunteer!
- Pin your hopes on something good - a volunteer.

You Know You're a Volunteer When...
It's true that, "You know you're a volunteer when..." is used as an opening to a joke. This can be something that is specific to volunteering, or simply a funny life story about being a volunteer.
- The word is on the tip of my tongue - volunteer.
- Volunteers prefer to be a hammer than a nail.
- Hit the ground running like a volunteer.
- When you become a volunteer, you think about how it makes you feel, until you actually help someone and see how it makes them feel!
- You can't have your cake and eat it too unless you're a volunteer!
- One person can make a difference, just ask the people on a plane.
- Volunteer? I thought you said be of good cheer.
- Big as a house sums up how important a volunteer is.
- To offer one's services is to paddle one's own canoe; however, one must first have a canoe.
- "See that grave marker? That's Freddie, he always said he wanted to volunteer, but could never find the time. I guess he still hasn't."
What to Say to Someone Who Volunteers
Knowing what to say to someone who volunteers is helpful. A funny volunteer quote can be a tongue-in-cheek way to show your appreciation for a volunteer.
- Volunteers have heart and often wear it on their sleeves.
- Volunteering is the one addiction that's good for you!
- You know that moment when you don't know what to do? Volunteer!
- There are times when volunteering is just a knee-jerk reaction to a desperate situation.
- She asked, "Why doesn't someone do something?" So I volunteered.
- I volunteered because I wanted to leave something behind other than my old life.
- Volunteers always need coffee! Please donate here.
- Time doesn't stand still, especially for volunteers.
- Life can give you lemons, and volunteers use them with vinegar to clean stuff!
- There are never any last straws for a volunteer.
- Time marches on only if you fail to volunteer.
- You can't take it with you, so be a volunteer.
- You can't judge a book by its cover, unless it's titled Volunteer!
- You can never be too rich or too blonde or too volunteering.
- You ain't seen nothin' yet until you've seen me volunteering.
- The saying, "Worth its weight in gold" was about a volunteer.
- Volunteer is another word for the phrase worker bee.
- "Why don't we all chip in?" asked the volunteer.
- "Why do today what you can put off 'til tomorrow?" said no volunteer.
- "Who died and left you in charge?" A volunteer.
Funny Volunteer One Liners
A funny one liner taken from a cliche may be just what a volunteer needs to brighten their day. Choose a one-liner that best expresses how you feel about your favorite volunteer.
- We'll cross that bridge when we come to it with the help of a volunteer.
- We are not amused, but the volunteers sure are.
- Where there's smoke, there's fire, and a volunteer fireman.
- Whatever floats your boat, a volunteer must be nearby.
- No sir, I wasn't raised by wolves. She was a volunteer.
- Too many cooks spoil the broth unless they're volunteers.
- Volunteers know there's a silver lining; they see it every day.
- Volunteers have been known to jump on the bandwagon.
- Beware of Greeks bearing gifts unless they're volunteers!
- Deer in headlights aka volunteer at end of the first day.

Why Do I Volunteer Quotes
A few quotes from some rather famous people can answer the question, "Why do I volunteer?" You might want to print your favorite quote on a t-shirt to remind you to keep your sense of humor healthy.
- "Don't ever question the value of volunteers. Noah's Ark was built by volunteers; the Titanic was built by professionals." ~Dave Gynn.
- If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito." African proverb quoted by the Dalai Lama.
- "Men have always volunteered, they just called themselves coaches, trustees, and firemen!" ~ Susan J. Ellis, president of Energize.
- "Here's to all volunteers, those dedicated people who believe in all work and no-pay." ~ Robert Orben, speech and comedy writer.
- "There are three kinds of people: Those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who say, 'what happened?'" ~ Casey Stengel.
Funny Volunteer Quotes
Finding original funny volunteer quotes can brighten your day. You can share funny volunteer with fellow volunteers who can relate to the ins and outs of volunteering.