We totally get it; it can feel daunting to write 15 to 20 report cards in one sitting. Preschool report card comments matter a lot to parents, though, giving them a glimpse at what happens with their little one at school. There are lots of ways to make the job of writing the comments easier, and we've got some great ideas for what you might want to say.
Preschool Report Card Comments for Specific Subjects
Sometimes, you need to write comments for specific things you're working on with kids. Your subjects will differ depending on what your school emphasizes, but they might include things like art, math, language arts, and science topics. It really helps to keep comments short yet detailed and use as many templates as you need to explain the child's experience with each specific subject.
- They seem to really enjoy (specific subject) and are excelling in (specific subject-related skill).
- They seem distracted during (specific subject) as evidenced by (insert supporting behavior).
- They seem to like learning about (specific subject or topic) and have been a pleasure to teach.
- They appear to really like (specific subject) and could use some extra help with (insert specific topic).
- They are very enthusiastic when (subject) is brought up and consistently participate during discussions.
- They have come up with very creative answers during (subject), and I've enjoyed teaching them.
- They have been a joy to have in class and especially excel in (enter several subjects if applicable).
- They tend to get antsy during (subject) and may need a little extra help understanding (specific subject-related topic).
- They love listening to (insert subject topic) and actively share their thoughts.
- They seem to enjoy (insert subject) and have a deep understanding of the material.
- They show advanced abilities in (subject) and would benefit from (insert recommendation).
No one loves to scramble for specifics when you're writing report card comments. It really helps to maintain notes for each child on a weekly basis so you can write a thorough and helpful report card without struggling.
Improvement Comments for Preschool Report Cards
Letting parents or guardians know what the child needs help with can allow them to jump in on solving problems or making things easier for their child. Communicating early on can help the little one improve upon the necessary skills before heading to kindergarten.
These aren't always the easiest comments to write, but it's all about communicating with clarity and empathy. It's also important to avoid pointing fingers and focus on the outcome you need.
- It seems like (child's name) could use some help with (insert behavior or subject matter).
- I've noticed that (child's name) consistently struggles with (insert behavior or subject matter) because they have been (give examples).
- (Child's name) would benefit from some extra practice with (insert behavior or topic).
- More often than not, (child's name) appears to have difficulties with (insert behavior or topic).
- It would help (child's name) improve upon (skill or behavior) if it were practiced a bit more at home and at school.
- I've noticed (child's name) seems to struggle with (behavior). We will continue to work on this at school, and it would be great if (child's name) could practice these skills at home as well.
- (Child's name) seems nearly ready for (insert skill) but still could use some extra practice getting there.
- (Child's name) could use a brush up on (skill or behavior).
- There have been a few instances where I've seen (child's name) have a challenging time with (skill).
- Although (child's name) has made great progress with (skill or behavior), they could still use some extra help understanding it a bit better.
Praise Comments for Preschool Report Cards
Praise comments can be really fun to write, and parents will love hearing where their child is excelling or how their child is special. Highlight what each child is doing well by writing specific comments.
- (Child's name) is excelling in (list subjects) and consistently participates in class.
- (Child's name) is eager to lend a helping hand and gets along with their classmates.
- (Child's name) works well with others and is liked amongst their peers.
- They have been a joy to teach and always come to class with a smile.
- (Child's name) is incredibly creative and consistently impresses me with his/her (skills).
- (Child's name) consistently excels in (behaviors) and has been really fun to teach.
- (Child's name) is smart, creative, and consistently kind to their classmates.
- (Child's name) learns quickly and demonstrates (skills) at an advanced level.
- (Child's name) has picked up (skills) very quickly and shows an eagerness to learn.
- (Child's name) always participates in class and has great problem-solving skills.
- (Child's name) handles misunderstandings well and is great at communicating.
- (Child's name) does very well at identifying their feelings and communicating them in a calm, mature way.
- (Child's name) shows an interest in learning new topics and consistently makes insightful observations.

Preschool Report Card Remarks for Behavioral Issues
Although it can be tricky to write about behavioral issues on a report card, it's important information for the child's caregiver to understand. Like other improvement comments, it's all about keeping the focus on clear communication and avoiding blame.
- They seem to struggle with sharing toys and learning materials with their peers.
- They are working on raising their hand and have shown some improvement.
- I've noticed (child's name) seems to have a difficult time following directions. This typically happens during (activity).
- (Child's name) has had a challenging time keeping their hands to themselves. This happens (amount) times a day.
- (Child's name) is struggling to complete projects in their entirety. This is something we will continue to work on in class.
- (Child's name) tends to become very upset when (insert example). We are actively working on emotional expression with them.
- (Child's name) has shown some aggression towards a few classmates during playtime. Examples of this include (insert examples). We are working on using words instead of touch.
- During one occasion, (child's name) grabbed a toy from another child. Since then we have seen great improvement, but are still working on sharing.
It's great if you can reframe the area where the child is struggling as an emerging skill. It sends the same message, but it can feel much more positive to parents who receive it.
Socializing Comments for Preschool Report Cards
Social skills are a big deal at any age, but they're especially important in preschool. Many children are interacting with peers in a routine way for the first time in their lives. Noting how each child interacts with their peers and adults can help paint a thorough picture for the child's parent.
- (Child's name) tends to keep to themself and often prefers to observe their classmates.
- (Child's name) loves to engage with their peers and plays well with others.
- (Child's name) seems to struggle with connecting with their peers.
- (Child's name) enjoys spending time with their peers and reports having a good time with their friends.
- (Child's name) shares well with friends and gets along with everyone in class.
- (Child's name) seems to have a hard time getting along with their peers.
- (Child's name) has developed close friendships with several classmates and prefers spending time with one or two friends at a time.
Related: Kindergarten Readiness Checklist - Key Concepts for Your Child to Know
Group Play Observations to Add to Report Cards
Group projects or play can reveal a lot about a child's ability to collaborate with peers, a skill that will become even more important as they move on in school.
- (Child's name) does well working with others and tends to take on a leadership role.
- (Child's name) seems to enjoy collaborating with others during group projects.
- They get along well with others and are very interactive during group playtime.
- They tend to keep to themselves during group playtime.
- They seem to prefer listening to others' ideas during group projects.
- They are typically withdrawn during group projects and tend to prefer playing one-on-one.
- They listen to instructions well during group activities and follow through with the assignment.
- They collaborate well with others and are respectful when their peers share their opinions.
- They tend to struggle with group activities and usually prefer to spend time playing alone.
- They report liking group activities and thrive in this environment.

Report Card Comments for Preschool About Leadership
Although not all children tend to take on leadership roles, it can be helpful for parents to know which collaboration style their child tends to gravitate toward.
- (Child's name) tends to enjoy being in charge during group activities and projects.
- They show great leadership skills, especially during (insert activity).
- They tend to shy away from leadership roles and prefer to observe their classmates.
- They usually take on leadership roles but also seem to enjoy collaborating with others.
- They actively participate in group activities and tend to take charge when offered the opportunity to do so.
- (Child's name) demonstrates impressive leadership skills and is consistently respectful of other's opinions.
- They have a take-charge spirit and enjoy doing group activities.
Related: Printable Preschool Progress Reports
Referral Comments for Report Cards
Because you spend so much time with each child, you may notice that a few may benefit from a referral. You can include these on their report card, along with some supporting examples.
- (Child's name) seems to struggle with (specific subject) and would benefit from having a tutor provide a little extra help.
- (Child's name) is having a hard time reading and writing and may benefit from an evaluation by a medical psychologist.
- (Child's name) is struggling socially. Some examples of this include (give examples). You may want to consider contacting a child psychologist or therapist for an evaluation.
- (Child's name) appears anxious throughout the day, especially during (mention examples). You may want to take them to a child psychologist or therapist for an evaluation so we can increase their comfort level. Let me know if you'd like to discuss this further or have any questions, and I'm happy to help.
- (Child's name) seems to have a mild reaction to (list food or beverage). It would be a good idea to consult with their pediatrician to make sure there isn't an allergy that we should know about.
Your Preschool Report Card Comments Are Important
We know how much time it takes to write specific comments on each child's report card, but it's one of those little tasks that can pay off big time. The info and insights you're providing will help the child's family carry over school skills to the home environment and work on nurturing the areas where a child may struggle. Your preschool report card comments are a crucial bridge between home and school.