Life as a teen girl can be fun, challenging, exciting, and devastating all at once. It's a tumultuous time in life, but it's also a time when the world expects a lot out of you as you move towards your adult future. Our quotes for teenage girls offer encouragement, motivation, and inspiration to help you make the most of every day as you navigate your teen years.
Inspirational Quotes for Teen Girls
If you're feeling low, inspirational quotes can help boost your mood.

- You get to decide how you feel about things that happen today. It's always totally up to you whether you react negatively or positively.
- Always aim to make yourself proud.
- Everything is temporary, so you can get through anything.
- "Well-behaved women rarely make history." - Maria Shriver
- Do something that makes you smile every day.
- Take time to explore your interests and what makes you happy.
- You can do hard things. It may not be easy, but it will always be worth it.
- Be the best version of yourself every day, and you'll always feel content.
- Don't be afraid to dream big. You can do anything you set your mind to.
- Set goals for yourself and work hard to accomplish everything you hope for.
- "It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell." - Buddha
- Never underestimate the positive influence someone like you can have on the world.
- When it comes to peer pressure, never compromise your integrity.
- Show the world kindness, and you'll be repaid time and time again.
- The best things in life often require dedication and hard work. Remember to take pride in your accomplishments and try to treat failures as opportunities to learn.
- Everyone has something to contribute. Remember to let your talents shine and share them with the world.
Self-Esteem Quotes for Teenage Girls
Need a self-esteem boost? One of these quotes can help.

- You're perfect exactly as you are, and nobody can take that away from you.
- Just because someone says something negative about you doesn't mean it's true. Don't believe them. Keep being who you are.
- You are unique and beautiful.
- "Those other girls? They've got nothing on you." - Unknown
- "You are enough. Just the way you are. Just who you are." -Anonymous
- You are powerful and strong. Don't let anyone steal your sparkle.
- Before you even do anything, you already slay.
Friendship Quotes for Teenage Girls
The ups and downs of relationships can feel both amazing and stressful. Building relationships is one of the most important aspects of maturing into a woman.

- Cherish the friends who support you through the good and bad — these are the people who will stick around into adulthood.
- A real friend never judges you and is there for you no matter what.
- The only thing you can control in any relationship is yourself. You can't control someone else no matter how much you want to.
- Never take your loved ones for granted — through thick and thin, they will support you.
- "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same." -Flavia Weed
- The friendships you make in school are the ones that last a lifetime.
- True friends are those who love you exactly as you are.
- Build a supportive network of quality friends around you, and you'll always feel loved.
- Finding your best friend is an instant connection, and you know that your friendship is meant to be.
- A best friend is a soulmate who loves you unconditionally.
- There is no greater joy than being a reliable source of support and friendship to someone you trust.
- Make time for those you love. They will return the favor in dividends.
Related: 10 Laid-Back Things to Do With Teenagers to Strengthen Your Bond
Teen Girl Quotes About Dating
Dating. It can be so much fun. Or not. We get it. Our quotes about dating do, too.

- "When you're worrying about whether a guy will ask you out or if he likes you, ask yourself if he's really worth all the time you're spending worrying." - Unknown
- You deserve people that treat you like the treasure you are. Never settle for less.
- A good relationship makes both people grow into the best version of themselves.
- Sometimes love hurts, but it's always worth the risk.
- Healthy relationships start with healthy boundaries.
- "Love is like playing the piano. First, you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart." - Anonymous
- No partner is worth feeling bad about yourself. Choose someone who makes you feel good.
- Choose a partner who makes you laugh.
- Live, love, laugh. But remember, this is just the start of your dating journey. There's a whole world of possible love interests out there waiting to meet you.
- Date, sure. But don't lose yourself in another person.
- If you look into someone's eyes and don't see your true self reflected back, they will never be for you.
Teen Girl Sayings About Growing Up
Your teen years can feel intense. You're somewhat stuck between being a kid and becoming a woman.

- Don't be in a hurry to be an adult. Enjoy as much of your time as a teen as you can.
- As a teen girl, life can feel overwhelming. Know that you will make it through and thrive.
- Remember to take moments and be present — your teen years are a magical part of growing up.
- The biggest challenges lead to the biggest growth.
- "Young people tell what they are doing, old people what they have done, and fools what they wish to do." - Old French Proverb
- Someday, you'll look back on these as the good old days, so make the most of them.
- Be responsible when you need but don't forget to have fun.
- Spend time getting to know yourself and allow your true self to blossom.
- Every day, you grow and learn about yourself, what makes you happy, and what you want in the future.
- Be mindful of your future, but enjoy this special time in your life.
- New responsibilities and challenges can be scary, but remember to embrace them. You'll discover great things you never knew about yourself.
- Be sensitive to others' shortcomings and vulnerable about your own. Everyone is trying their best and learning together.
- Don't let fear stop you from doing cool things.
Short Teen Girl Quotes & Captions
Looking for something that encapsulates the life of a teen girl that's short, snappy, and Insta-ready? Try one of these quotes.

- I may not be the perfect teen queen, but I'm 100% me.
- No mean girl is going to make me sparkle less.
- No need to flex. You know I'm Gucci.
- Living and loving teen life.
- Planning for my future and making good choices.
- Your lack of confidence in me is not my problem.
- Me and my bestie, feeling dope AF.
- If I was a teen girl superhero, my power would be kindness.
- Nailing this teen life stuff.
- Cementing my place as the GOAT teen.
- Just checking items off my HS bucket list.
- Dressed up and ready to make my mark on the world.
- Trying new things. Even if I don't succeed, I'll do it for the plot.
Come Up With Your Own Quotes
While looking for quotes is great fun, think about writing a few quotes of your own and sharing them online. You might be surprised how many people are inspired by your clever, young words.