A Libra woman is outgoing and flirty. A Capricorn man is the strong, silent type. They're certainly not perfect astrological partners, but in matters of love, never count anyone out. The differences in their essential natures make them fascinating to one another, which can create the sparks that can make the honeymoon period of their relationship long-lasting.
The Capricorn Man
The Capricorn man is the strong, silent type. He's as steady as they come but has a burning ambition to succeed. And all that ambition leads to a hard-working man who often climbs the ladder of success swiftly. This can come at the cost of his work-life balance, but Capricorn men are driven to succeed in all areas of their lives. So when they meet the right woman, they become loving, loyal, and stable partners.
The Libra Woman
The Libra woman is light, airy, and carefree. She's a diplomatic soul who craves harmony and balance in her life. She's attractive, flirty, fair, and friendly, and she's so much fun to be around. This social soul loves romance, and she's sweet and kind.
Capricorn Man and Libra Woman Attraction Compatibility
A Capricorn man and a Libra woman both have a classy, cultured, and sophisticated demeanor. Both are appearance-conscious and want to make a good first impression. Together, they can be a glossy couple that knows how to work a room.

He's Drawn to Her Charm
A Capricorn man is fascinated by a friendly and carefree Libra woman and knows that he's met someone whose indefinable elegance, charm, intelligence, and poise could be an asset to his life.
She Loves His Strength
A Capricorn man's strength and silence intrigues a Libra woman and gives her a burning desire to figure him out. She can see she's dealing with a self-motivated, poised, and proficient man who's ready to grab for success in the world, knows what he wants, and is not afraid to go get it. She senses he's a man she can depend on.
They Make Sensual Lovers
A Capricorn man is an old-fashioned, protective, and romantic guy who's drawn to everything about a feminine, sensual Libra woman. She is excited by and attracted to his strength and earthy sensuality. He loves being in her presence and having her on his arm, and she encourages him to have more fun and become more socially involved.
They Enjoy Spending Time Together
A Libra woman and a Capricorn man play well off one another, and their time spent getting to know each other will be perfect for both. A Capricorn man will plan their time together, take her to places he loves, respect her, pick her up and take her home, hold the doors, and pull out her chair. They are both naturally tactful, elegant, classy, and polished sophisticates who will take pleasure in the time they spend together.
Libra Woman & Capricorn Man Problems
Some fundamental differences make this pairing challenging for both Capricorn and Libra. They'll need to overcome and compromise on these issues in order to make things work.
They're Both Commitment Shy
A Capricorn man and a Libra woman both want to get married, but both are slow to commit. He knows that it takes more than great sex and social life to have a lifelong relationship and is careful. A Libra woman often has difficulty making up her mind about such important matters. The best aspect of their romantic relationship might be that by the time they decide to walk down the aisle, they will have worked out all the kinks.
They Have Different Social Needs
Capricorn and Leo have vastly different social needs. She's a social butterfly, and he's more of a homebody (when he's not working, of course). He might find her all talk, no action, and inconsistent. In turn, she might find him a killjoy who's stuck in a boring routine.
She's Extroverted, and He's an Introvert
He's not partial to big groups, avoids parties, and usually only has a small group of close friends. On the other hand, she's friendly and social, loves parties, and has lots of friends. He may find her socially exhausting, and she could find him a bit boring.
They Have Vastly Different Communication Styles
Communication is important to healthy relationships, and Libra and Capricorn have extremely different ways of communicating. In her desire for harmony, Libra is likely to say what she thinks Capricorn wants to hear. Alternately, she becomes argumentative, whereas he's more likely to dispassionately tell it like it is and ask for what he wants, leaving no room for argument. This can be a struggle for each of them and can lead to a fundamental lack of understanding.
Outlook for a Capricorn Man & a Libra Woman
A Capricorn man and a Libra woman shouldn't expect to agree on everything because there are likely to be struggles and clashing agendas in their relationship. But it's the dynamic tension between the two that can keep them active and the romance alive. They have superficial compatibilities that draw them together, but they also approach the world differently. However, if they're willing to compromise and allow each other to be who they naturally are, theirs can be a dynamic partnership.