There's just something charming about a Libra man that makes him incredibly attractive. So, if one has caught your eye, we're not at all surprised. If you have a Libra man in your sights, what would it take to turn his head? Stop wondering how to attract a Libra man and take action. You don't need to chase a Libra man, but there are things you can do that will get his interest.
Tips to Seduce the Libra Man
The most important advice to attract any person you're romantically interested in is to be yourself. Libra men can spot artifice, and they're not fans. So even with the following tips for how to attract a Libra man, always come from a place of being 100% who you are as you do. After all, you want him to fall for you... not some version of you that you made up to interest him.
Be Well Put Together
Libra men are well put together, and they prefer a partner who is equally well turned out. So if you're well-groomed and dressed, you'll definitely catch his eye. Whether it's a night on the town or a cozy evening in, always put your best foot forward. Libra men have a strong sense of aesthetics, so they find potential partners who are aesthetically pleasing, the most attractive.
Don't Chase a Libra Man
Although a Libra male likes to be lightly pursued, he's smart, and he pays attention. He's not a fan of anyone being super aggressive. Because he craves balance and harmony, he needs your energy to be balanced and harmonious, and any type of aggression can upset that. Sure, let him know you're interested, but don't turn it into a hot pursuit. All you'll make him do is run away.
Get Ready to Flirt
The fastest way to pique a Libra man's interest is to maintain your mystery while seducing him with your smile and eyes. Let your early conversations be brief but brilliant and unforgettable. Give him a few flirty words so he believes, for just a moment, he's the center of the universe. Then, politely skirt off to the other side of the room and give him an opportunity to watch you shine for the rest of the evening. Now is the time to begin batting those eyelashes, brushing your hand against his, and employing all the other time-tested methods of getting your message across.
Be Social
Libra is a highly social sun sign. Charming Libra loves to be out and about, hanging with his friends and having a good time. He's not a guy who will fall for the sweet wallflower — he wants a partner who is willing to head out with him to have some fun.
Make Eye Contact

We're not saying you should stare a Libra man down as you walk towards him and then back away from him without blinking. Aggressive eye contact will make pretty much any sun sign (except maybe Scorpio) uncomfortable. But some flirty eye contact is something Libra loves, and it will definitely let him know you're interested.
Show Your Curiosity
Libras are curious about the world. They like to know what makes people tick and why things are the way they are. And a Libra man will be enchanted by someone who shares that curiosity with him. You can start by being curious about him and his life, asking questions about his likes, dislikes, and the way he thinks (without interrogating him). And then show your curiosity by being willing to try new things and explore new places with him.
Skip the Drama
Because balance and harmony are so necessary to Libra, if you're all drama all the time, it's going to burn him out. He feels that lack of harmony very deeply, and it bothers him. For a while, he may play into it and try to help you find balance. But eventually, it will just be exhausting for him, which will make him feel that you're exhausting. And that's not really a recipe for a good relationship.
Bring on the Romance
Libra men crave romance, so he likes all the romantic things — sweet dates, loving words of affirmation, and thoughtful gifts and gestures. Sharing these things with him will warm him right up, and lucky you — you'll be on the receiving end of his romantic gestures, too.
Showcase Your Brains
Brush up on your banter game because Libra men love a witty partner who can have a laugh and share stimulating conversations. He will be enchanted by your curiosity and intelligence, so don't hide your light. Get in there and share your wit and your intelligence. He'll love it.
Mind Your Manners
Libra men are suckers for someone who is refined. Manners matter to Libra. Say please and thank you. Tip servers well. Treat others kindly. Know which fork to use and when. Put your napkin in your lap. These little courtesies will go a long way with a Libra man.
Find Your Zen
Stress monsters aren't really for Libra men. They're looking for a partner who's an island of serenity and calm. Yeah — we get it. Everyone has their moments, and Libra understands that. But the sooner you can rediscover your center, the more comfortable you'll make a Libra man. So when the world triggers you (and it totally will sometimes), take a few deep breaths to calm down before you react.
Let Him Take Care of You
Sometimes, he's going to want to shower you with attention, gifts, and love. Let him (we know... sounds tough, right?). A Libra guy finds it sexy when a potential partner lets him show off his romantic side. So if he offers to pay for a meal, say thank you and let him. Don't fight him on it. And if he brings you flowers, let him know just how much you appreciate the gesture.
Show an Interest in the Arts

Libra guys tend to be pretty cultured, loving art, literature, music, theater, and more. Even if you're not interested in all these things, there are probably some parts of each of them you enjoy. Don't be afraid to share that interest with him.
Be Loyal
Libras are loyal, and they want a partner who is as loyal as they are. Let him see you showing loyalty to the people who matter to you so he understands you'll be loyal to him, too.
Don't Take Advantage of Him
Libras are people pleasers. It's because of that craving for balance and harmony, of course, so he will bend over backward to please you. But he'll be much more comfortable if he doesn't feel like he needs to. So yes... let him be the romantic he is. But don't take advantage by asking him to do all sorts of things for you that you would normally do for yourself. If you do, he'll say yes. But eventually, it will wear him out.
Be Patient
As air signs, Libra men can be in their heads a lot. So, sometimes, they may seem distant. Don't let this trigger you or make you jealous. Instead, be patient and kind and take your time getting to know him. He'll let you in little by little. It's not that he won't engage in an emotionally intimate relationship. It's just that he wants that intimacy to unfold in a way that feels right to him. With time, patience, and curiosity, you'll reach the level of emotional intimacy you desire without pushing.
Wear Good Underwear
If it's headed to the bedroom, make sure your foundation garments are on point. Libras are highly visual, so they're turned on by good intimate grooming and sexy undergarments. Trust us on this one: It's worth it to wear the good undies and do a little bodyscaping if there's even the slightest chance that this might be the date you head to the bedroom. You can thank us later.
Don't Rush the Foreplay
Okay — so you've captured his attention and are heading to the bedroom. Whatever you do, take your time. Libras love foreplay. It can start long before you ever head to the bedroom with light touches, meaningful looks, and playful banter. And in the bedroom — trust me. You'll eventually get to the main event, and it's going to be a beautiful journey getting there.
Ways to Attract a Libra Man
Libra men tend to be excellent partners because they pay attention to their partner's needs, both physically and emotionally. Once you're in a Libra's heart, he will be a loving, loyal, romantic, and stable partner. In other words, he's totally worth the effort.