Springtime brings so much change — plants grow, the weather gets warmer, and pollen starts to become a problem. But what else do you know about this bright and beautiful season? Fun spring facts for kids are the perfect way to grow your knowledge base and find out more about this evolving time of year.
The Wonderful Workings of Spring
Spring is one of the four temperate seasons that occurs in the calendar year. Here are some simple spring facts to help you understand this sensational season.
- Spring happens at different times of the year depending on where you are located in the world.
- In the Northern Hemisphere, spring begins at the end of the third week in March.
- In the Southern Hemisphere, spring begins at the end of the third week in September.
- Spring lasts approximately 13 weeks, ending in the third week in June in the Northern Hemisphere and the third week in December in the Southern Hemisphere.
- The vernal equinox marks the first day of spring.
- This is when the sun is positioned over the equator and there are equal lengths of day and night.
- After this astronomical event, the days will slowly get longer and the nights will get shorter. This is because the Earth is tilting towards the sun.
- During the vernal equinox, the sun is right above the equator, so if you were standing on it, the sun would go right over your head.
- At the North Pole, the start of spring means that there will be 12 straight hours of uninterrupted daylight.
Fantastically Fun Facts About Spring Flowers

Spring is one of the most colorful seasons thanks to the growth that comes with the added sunshine and rain. These fun facts about spring plants are sure to sprout some intrigue!
- Cherry blossoms signify the start of spring in Japan.
- Some flowers come back in the spring without having to be replanted. These are called perennials.
- Conversely, annual flowers need to be planted every spring.
- Tulips are one of the first spring flowers. When they are yellow, tulips symbolize happiness.
- Hyacinths come in different colors, and each shade has a slightly different smell.
- The Chinese native, the peony, is known as the king of flowers. These plants are known for being heavy-headed, so they may droop downwards.
- Daffodils are another signature flower of spring. These happy flowers mean new beginnings or rebirth.
- A fun little blue flower called the bluebell is protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act in the United Kingdom, so you can't sell or pick them.
- Lilacs are the epitome of spring with their short-lived refreshing purple flower and intoxicating smell. Interestingly, this vibrant flower is related to the olive tree.
- Spring bulbs have to be planted in the fall in order for them to bloom on time. This is because they require a cold period.
- Grass, which "makes up about 26% of plant life on the planet" will start to green in areas that were covered with snow.
Spring Facts About the Amazing Animals That Appear This Season
Spring is an amazing time for animals all over the world. Not only are they waking up from a long winter sleep, but many are born in this season of new beginnings. Check out these fun facts about spring babies!
- Spring marks the end of hibernation for animals like black bears.
- Many animals, like amphibians, begin breeding in March.
- Bunnies can have huge litters with up to 12 bunnies.
- Fawns are typically born between April and July, and they will stay with their moms for their first year of life.
- Honeybees swarm in spring because they're looking for a new place to build a hive.
- Worker bees will only live for about four weeks
- Monarch butterflies will start making an appearance in March, after spending the winter season in Mexico.
Related: Mind-Boggling Butterfly Facts
From Snow to Rain to Sun: Spring Weather Facts

Rain, snow, and storms, oh my! The weather in spring can vary with the changing of the season. These weather-inspired facts might have you waiting for summer.
- Tornado alley, an active area for tornados in the central and southern plains of the United States, gets active during late spring.
- Temperatures increase by an average of 5 degrees or more per month starting in March.
- The combination of melting snow and spring rainstorms causes flooding to increase in the spring.
- A national parks study shows that spring is beginning earlier because of climate change.
- Thunderstorms are common in the spring. This is due to the atmosphere becoming more unstable and the temperatures and humidity increasing.
- Snow and frost still happen in spring but it usually isn't as bad.
- Rainbows become a more common sight in the spring. The two ingredients for a rainbow are sunshine and water.
- While snow becomes less likely in the spring, the instance of another type of frozen precipitation, called hail, increases drastically.
March is filled with weather lore! One common superstition is that if March comes in like a lion, it will go out like a lamb, meaning when turbulent weather starts the month, it will bring a quiet end.
Spring Facts: Highlighting the Many Holidays of the Season
There are a lot of different holidays during the spring season. It might be celebrating your Mom, Dad, or your Gramps who served in the Army.
- The first day of spring starts the Persian New Year: Nowruz.
- For those math lovers, don't forget to celebrate Pi Day on 3/14! If you really want to get in the spirit of the day, celebrate at 1:59 AM or PM.
- Spring break comes for schools during late March and early April.
- Pulling pranks is the name of the game on April Fools' Day, which happens on April 1st.
- Taking care of the planet and planting trees happens on Arbor Day. This holiday is celebrated on the last Friday in April.
- The earth and all its creatures are thought about on Earth Day on April 22. Schools may give away trees to plant.
- Celebrate your mom and all she does for you on Mother's Day in May in the U.S. and March in other parts of the world.
- You like Star Wars? May the "fourth" be with you on May 4th, a.k.a. Star Wars day.
- Remember all those who served our country on Memorial Day. Memorial Day is the last Monday in May.
- Cinco de Mayo, which celebrates a Mexican victory in 1862, happens on May 5th.
- Celebrate your Dad in early June through the spring holiday Father's Day. Father's Day started in 1910.
- The Chinese New Year is a seven-day festival that happens in spring in China.
Eggs-cellent Easter Facts
Easter is a major holiday that happens in spring in the U.S. and other parts of the world. Many kids await the arrival of the Easter bunny.

- Easter is a Christian religious holiday that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- Good Friday is the Friday before Easter.
- The Christian Easter holiday is at the end of Lent, which is the 40-day period when people give up something. This is seen as a time of atonement to honor the sacrifice that Jesus made.
- Bright colors are used at Easter to symbolize rebirth.
- The Easter Bunny gives eggs to show that everything starts new in spring.
- The custom of being visited by the Easter Bunny began in the 1700s and stems from German traditions.
- In addition to the Easter Bunny bringing a basket, people give cards to each other on Easter.
- Easter moves around every year because it falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox.
Phenomenal Passover Facts
Another major holiday in the spring is Passover. This is celebrated by those of the Jewish faith. Here are some things you may not know about this time of celebration.
- Passover "commemorates the biblical Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt." Part of the celebration includes abstaining from leavened food (and eating Matzah instead), a ritual meal called the seder, and special prayers.
- During the seder, ceremonial foods are placed on a seder plate. These serve as symbols of the story of Passover. These foods include matzah, zeroa (a shankbone), beitzah (a hard-boiled egg), maror and chazeret (bitter herbs), charoset (a paste), and karpas (a vegetable).
- The Haggadah is a special prayer book that is read aloud during the seder.
- The story of Passover can be found in the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament.
- Passover is one of the most celebrated Jewish holidays.
- Another name for Passover is the Festival of Unleavened Bread — or Chag HaMatzot.
- The holiday begins on the 15th day of Nisan, the first month of the Jewish calendar. This means that the dates that Passover is celebrated change every year.
Fun Facts About Spring: Sayings & Symbols of the Season
Spring is full of fun facts. Learn some unique things that you might not know.
- Spring fever isn't just a phrase, it's a researched medical disorder.
- The word spring originated in the early 14th century.
- The proverb 'April showers bring May flowers' originated from a poem in 1557 by Thomas Tusser.
- Aries, Taurus, and Gemini are the spring zodiac signs.
- Around spring is when the months of darkness and light begin in the North Pole and South Pole.
- Daylight savings' "spring forward" happens in March just before the start of spring.
- Spring birthday stones are aquamarine, diamond, emerald, and pearl.
- 'Spring chicken' is a term used to refer to young people.
- March is named after a Roman god, Mars. He was the God of War.
- Meteorological spring runs from March 1 to May 31.
Dive Into Spring
Fragrant flowers, green trees, and baby animals are everywhere. Spring is a magical time that means more daylight and time to play outdoors. Now that you know the facts, you're prepared to embrace the springtime.